Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Andre Caputo ("AC") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.

DL: Could you please tell us a bit about your design background and education?

AC : I always liked to draw when I was little. I have always been very observant and detail oriented. This helped me a lot in my artistic development. When I was 14 years old I studied Professional Advertising Illustration and graduated with 17 years old. I won two awards as a highlight in the class I studied. This motivated me a lot to continue and dedicate myself even more to illustration. When I had to choose a college I noticed that the Industrial Design course was the most suitable for my profile. So I decided to do it. In 2002 I joined the faculty of Industrial Design and graduated as a Graphic Designer in 2005. I then started to work as a professional designer and art and creative director in some agencies. I even won an award in 2008 Best and Greatest Logistic and Transport Award. In 2006 I started to study 3D illustration. It was a milestone in my professional life. The software I studied at the time was Maya. Over the years I noticed that it was not the ideal software for my type of illustration. I needed something more dynamic and practical. Then I discovered the Modo software. I took some basic classes and I was enchanted. It was the beginning of a new phase in my life. It was a big upgrade to the quality of my 3D illustrations. In 2011 I opened my own studio and keep walking until then.

DL: What motivates you to design in general, why did you become a designer?

AC : What motivated me was my passion for drawing and art. When we combine the two we result in design.

DL: Did you choose to become a designer, or you were forced to become one?

AC : I certainly chose to become a designer.

DL: What do you design, what type of designs do you wish to design more of?

AC : I want to produce more personal works as unique pieces of art, products and work more on my personal brand.

DL: What should young designers do to become a design legend like you?

AC : Try to learn, to listen, to observe, to be capricious, not to be in a hurry, to know how to wait and dedicate yourself to doing what you enjoy. Your sight is your main work tool. It is what you need to develop above all else.

DL: What distinguishes between a good designer and a great designer?

AC : I believe that the most important skill to be a greater designer is to know how to translate a concept into an aesthetic and tangible element that can add value with its final result.

DL: What makes a good design a really good design, how do you evaluate good design?

AC : What makes a design project successful is when the designer manages to make the aesthetics, the concept, the tangibility, and the communication with the target audience perfect.

DL: What is the value of good design? Why should everyone invest in good design?

AC : Many years ago I was reading a report talking about the importance of design in the companies. And a fact caught my attention in that article. It said: "For every dollar invested in design, the company gets five in return." That data was enough to understand the importance of design.

DL: What would you design and who would you design for if you had the time?

AC : I'll design a unique piece of art to be printed in 3D printer.

DL: What is the dream project you haven’t yet had time to realize?

AC : My Master Class.

DL: Who are some other design masters and legends you get inspired from?

AC : Tim Burton, George Lucas, Robert Zemeckis, etc.

DL: What is your greatest design, which aspects of that design makes you think it is great?

AC : My favourite design today is the watch I created, "The Majestic Watch". I put all my emotion and heart into every detail so that the whole ensemble would achieve harmony to attract the viewer's attention. My favourite design today is the watch I created. I put all my emotion and heart into every detail so that the whole ensemble would achieve harmony to attract the viewer's attention. I tried to gather all my visual repertoire that I admire and identify with, being vintage objects, fantasy, magic and passion.

DL: How could people improve themselves to be better designers, what did you do?

AC : Try to learn, to listen, to observe, to be capricious, not to be in a hurry, to know how to wait and dedicate yourself to doing what you enjoy. Your sight is your main work tool. It is what you need to develop above all else. I've been doing all of these lately.

DL: If you hadn’t become a designer, what would you have done?

AC : I would have been a musician or a soccer player.

DL: How do you define design, what is design for you?

AC : Design for me is a graphic and visual resource used to add value, feeling and connection with the viewer. The design can be applied to places or objects, whether commercial or not.

DL: Who helped you to reach these heights, who was your biggest supporter?

AC : Certainly the people who helped me most to get where I got to was my family. Especially my wife, mother and grandmother, my inspirations.

DL: What helped you to become a great designer?

AC : Same like I said in question 15.

DL: What were the obstacles you faced before becoming a design master?

AC : I think that daily work itself is the obstacle. Each day a new challenge, a new learning. Over time this will make you a master at what you do.

DL: How do you think designers should present their work?

AC : With organization and excellence and with the presentation of their project well based on the requested concept.

DL: What’s your next design project, what should we expect from you in future?

AC : My Master Class.

DL: What’s your ultimate goal as a designer?

AC : My goal is to sell my own products as a designer and artist.

DL: What people expect from an esteemed designer such as yourself?

AC : Unique art design pieces and share all my professional knowledge with anyone.

DL: How does design help create a better society?

AC : I believe that design makes people's lives more practical and pleasing to the senses.

DL: What are you currently working on that you are especially excited about?

AC : In my Master Class.

DL: Which design projects gave you the most satisfaction, why?

AC : The most satisfaction design I've done is the watch I created, "The Majestic Watch". Because I put all my emotion and heart into every detail so that the whole ensemble would achieve harmony to attract the viewer's attention. I tried to gather all my visual repertoire that I admire and identify with, being vintage objects, fantasy, magic and passion.

DL: How long does it take you to finalize a design project?

AC : This depends entirely on the briefing. It can take ten minutes, 8 hours, days or months to perform.

DL: When you have a new design project, where do you start?

AC : From sketch.

DL: What is your life motto as a designer?

AC : Do what you are happy to do.

DL: Do you think design sets the trends or trends set the designs?

AC : I believe it usually happens in both ways.

DL: What is the role of technology when you design?

AC : It is essential for the work to be completed.

DL: What kind of design software and equipment do you use in your work?

AC : I usually work with Modo, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and others. Also, I'm PC and Mac user.

DL: What is the role of the color, materials and ambient in design?

AC : All of these characteristics are interconnected within a design project. It is essential to know how to use them to obtain the best result.

DL: When you see a new great design or product what comes into your mind?

AC : Pleasure and admiration.

DL: Who is your ideal design partner? Do you believe in co-design?

AC : The one who has the same sight as me. Yes, I believe in co-design and that it works very well too.

DL: How did you develop your skills as a master designer?

AC : I always liked to draw when I was little. I have always been very observant and detail oriented. This helped me a lot in my artistic development. When I was 14 years old I studied Professional Advertising Illustration and graduated with 17 years old. I won two awards as a highlight in the class I studied. This motivated me a lot to continue and dedicate myself even more to illustration. When I had to choose a college I noticed that the Industrial Design course was the most suitable for my profile. So I decided to do it. In 2002 I joined the faculty of Industrial Design and graduated as a Graphic Designer in 2005. I then started to work as a professional designer and art and creative director in some agencies. I even won an award in 2008 Best and Greatest Logistic and Transport Award. In 2006 I started to study 3D illustration. It was a milestone in my professional life. The software I studied at the time was Maya. Over the years I noticed that it was not the ideal software for my type of illustration. I needed something more dynamic and practical. Then I discovered the Modo software. I took some basic classes and I was enchanted. It was the beginning of a new phase in my life. It was a big upgrade to the quality of my 3D illustrations. In 2011 I opened my own studio and keep walking until then.

DL: Irrelative of time and space, who you would want to meet, talk and discuss with?

AC : Tim Burton, George Lucas and Robert Zemeckis.

DL: How do you feel about all the awards and recognition you had, is it hard to be famous?

AC : I'm the same guy as always.

DL: What is your favorite color, place, food, season, thing and brand?

AC : Turquoise. Home. Italian food. Fall. Action figures. My personal brand.

DL: What makes your day great as a designer, how do you motivate yourself?

AC : When I manage to finish all my tasks very well, receive approvals from my clients and my work is recognized.

DL: When you were a little child, was it obvious that you would become a great designer?

AC : No, it was not clear for me that time.

DL: What do you think about future; what do you see will happen in thousand years from now?

AC : Who knows?

DL: Please tell us anything you wish your fans to know about you, your design and anything else?

AC : I would like my fans to know that I am no different from them. I just have more time on the road, but they all have the potential to get and go beyond where I got to.



The Majestic Watch Timepiece

The Majestic Watch Timepiece by Andre Caputo

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Design Legends platform highlights valuable insights from the best designers from across the globe; a great resource for all designers to learn, reflect and think about good design and how good design helps create value for the society.

Design Legends website was created by DesignPRWire and A' Design Award to promote truly great designers, outstanding architects and inspirational artists that contribute to the development and advancement of society with their outstanding works.