Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer WU YUK KEI ("WYK") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
WYK : I use a variety of tools, including Adobe Photoshop (PS), Adobe Illustrator (Ai), and 3D modelling for prototyping. I also work with laser-cut neoprene and other innovative materials to push the boundaries of traditional fashion design.
WYK : Color, materials, and ambiance are crucial in creating the mood and message of a design. I often use pastel shades and pink to counteract melancholy and anxiety, infusing my designs with a sense of hope and empowerment.
WYK : I wish people would ask about the story behind my designs. Fashion is more than just aesthetics—it’s about the emotions, experiences, and messages woven into each piece. I want people to understand how my designs aim to empower and inspire, not just look beautiful.
WYK : When I see a great design, I think about the story and process behind it. I appreciate the creativity, effort and details. It inspires me to keep pushing boundaries and exploring new ideas in my own work.
WYK : My ideal design partner is someone who shares my value for authenticity and empowerment. I believe in co-design because collaboration brings fresh perspectives and ideas. Working with others, whether they’re designers, artists, or technologists, allows me to create more impactful and innovative designs.
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