Design Legends ("DL") had the distinct honour to interview legendary designer Florian Seidl ("FS") for their original perspective and innovative approach to design as well as their creative lifestyle, we are very pleased to share our interview with our distinguished readers.
FS : I studied industrial design and transportation design at several different universities in Austria, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.
FS : For me design is a creative process. It is fuelled by curiosity, empathy and the desire to create something good and meaningful.
FS : Stumbled into it really.
FS : I'd say classic italian product design. At the moment everything coffee related in one form or other. I do miss transportation and cars a bit to be honest.
FS : Follow your heart and design every project with attention to detail and lots of love.
FS : Puh. Tricky one. Being a good designer is great.
FS : Let's stick with Dieter Rams to begin with. Good design must have certain qualities on many different levels. Usability, aesthetic quality, sustainability - the list goes on. But what's really needed for me is soul and character.
FS : Good and coherent design is what sets you apart from the competition.
FS : So much to do. So little time...
FS : I think I'd love to do some furniture at some point
FS : A designer can't do everything. You need to have a great team that helps to bring products to life. Collaboration is key. This is the secret ingredient and this is where the magic happens.
FS : Oh there are many. I don't really have one favourite designer. There are many professionals, colleagues and friends I deeply respect.
FS : Where to start?
FS : I'm very proud of all the work we did at Fiat and Lavazza. In both cases we've been shaping the overall product portfolio and it's hard to pick out one single project.
FS : Do your homework: Listen to what other people have to say, be empathic, Look into materials and production techniques. Draw and sketch and then sketch some more.
FS : Most likely an architect, I guess?
FS : Design is a creative process that develops products for (mass) production. It's what I do.
FS : I wouldn't be where I am without the help and the support of many others.
FS : Patience, empathy and the ability to listen. (Aside from an electric pencil sharpener.)
FS : Overthinking can be dangerous.
FS : Presentations should be down to the point and engaging.
FS : I can not tell...
FS : To bring good products into production and see them do well on the market.
FS : To add value through design.
FS : That's a tricky one. I consider design to be an expression of human culture. I'm not so sure it can create a better society on it's own.
FS : I can not tell...
FS : Probably the first major projects I was working on as a professional designer. I was working at Centro Stile Fiat and it was incredibly rewarding to see the Fiat Panda and the Fiat 500L on the road once they hit production.
FS : I'd hope for a more strategic role of design functions across the board.
FS : The two biggest topics right now are probably sustainability and artificial intelligence. It will be interesting to see their impact and how design as a a discipline will evolve.
FS : That mainly depends on the time I have, In general designers will tinker and refine a project until they can't any longer... So I'd be tempted to say that the overall project timing actually decides when a project is ready and finalised.
FS : Start at the beginning. Design is a process. First you need to understand the task at hand.
FS : Not sure I really have one? Do great things! Have fun!
FS : ...said the chicken to the egg. Seriously though - I think those two things are interconnected.
FS : Technology helps. A lot. It can be a powerful tool, but is no substitute for creativity.
FS : Nowadays I’m mostly working on a Wacom Cintiq with Photoshop and Alias. But I still really like traditional sketching with pen and paper.
FS : It depends on a project. Sometimes they have a supportive role. Sometimes they are everything. It really depends. But in any case they set the tone and their contribution shouldn't be underestimated!
FS : What's next?
FS : It's a pleasure to experience good design. Like getting to know someone on an intimate level.
FS : Anyone who is genuinely interested in making a good product.
FS : I enjoy working with colleagues form technical departments. Very often it is their knowledge and the close collaboration that allows us to bring products to the market. Having their support is super important. This is where the magic happens.
FS : This is also a difficult questions. I''d probably choose one form the time when I started to study. So maybe "Design: Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis der Produktgestaltung" by Bernhard E. Bürdek.
FS : The basics during my studies, but then still so much more on the job. You learn so much from your colleagues. I'll always be grateful to things I picked up because of them.
FS : There are really too many to list here...
FS : The Awards are an important recognition. For me and especially for the team.
FS : Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things...
FS : Nostalgia is a funny thing. Still making memories. Still having fun!
FS : The best is when things come together and stuff works out like planned. Other than that: A good conversation, a smile and a good Espresso.
FS : Don't really think so. But I had some talent for drawing and always enjoyed that a lot.
FS : The future is for us to create! Let's hope we'll do a good job in doing so.
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